Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ok, let's begin.

Alright, I had started this due to the fact I was unemployed and had been spending wayyyyy too much time on TV. Let me begin by explaining why (other than the fact I didn’t have a job) I did write it. Then I will include blog posts I wrote for myspace, facebook and letters I wrote to various people, groups, etc. If they are a bit dated I will add notes where my mind set has changed slightly, greatly or I have gone a complete 180 degrees. I am in my thirties and sometimes feel I have made no significant impact on well… anything (or I like engaging in self pity). I know many people would disagree with me on this and I know I have made differences on the lives of my friends and family.

However, I am full of these ideas and opinions on culture, entertainment, music, alcohol, food, relationships and so on and I share them infrequently, very slightly or not at all. For some strange reason I feel I have this connection to the universe (like Glen Beck… bad example?) that most likely doesn’t exist (or maybe I am some re-incarnated Buddhist Monk or I watch too much Science Fiction) except in my own head so I need to express this connection in some way. So, this is how I’ll do it. Write these rambling essays (I think Nietzsche did his that way) and hope someone somewhere gets something out of them. I make no guarantees that you will like, agree with or not be offended by what I have to say and by reading onward you have given your silent approval and consent (you fool you).

Color Codes

White = New material written for this weblog.

Blue = Hyperlinks or websites relating to material you should also read.

Teal = Introductions and Conclusions to letters written before this weblog.

Red = Internal comments to statements in old letters.

Now that I have explained everything, hopefully I will actually get to writing future entries. It is little more difficult with full-time employment and a unsure internet connection.